ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops - 8 oz

Pickup available at 768 N. Main St.

Usually ready in 4 hours

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  • Most powerful natural health mineral supplements.
  • Impossible to underestimate the importance of minerals and trace minerals for the human body.
  • Removes the sodium from the Great Salt Lake water.

At Trace Minerals Research (TMR), we envision a world where people are empowered and in charge of their own health; a time when all consumers are committed to living a healthier lifestyle; a day when ionic trace minerals are a part of every consumer’s daily supplement intake. For over 35 years, TMR branded products have been recognized around the world as the pioneer of ionic trace mineral products that have supported consumers in living healthy lives.

ConcenTrace is a perfectly balanced, full-spectrum trace mineral and liquid magnesium. It’s one of the most powerful mineral supplements in the world that has many uses and applications.* It’s impossible to underestimate the importance of minerals and trace minerals for the human body. They are the catalysts for vitamins and other nutrients your body uses for promoting and maintaining good health.* Using ConcenTrace every helps maintain healthy energy levels in your body by providing your body’s entire electrical system with the minerals it needs to function properly.*

Why Do You Need Trace Minerals?



The soil our food is grown in today isn’t what it used to be. Aggressive farming practices are draining our soils of minerals and they’re not being replenished. On top of it, the use of fertilizers and pesticides are adding to the problem. The result? Fruits and vegetables that are deficient in minerals. This means the food you’re eating today isn’t as nutritious as it once was. What does that mean? It means you’re body is becoming more and more deficient in minerals. When your body is deficient, it doesn’t work correctly. Why? Because chemical and electrical processes are occurring within your body at every moment. These processes can only function correctly if the proper balance of minerals is continually being supplied to your system. It is essential that you replenish your body with the elements it expends daily.


America's #1 selling trace mineral supplement

A full spectrum of concentrated naturally-occurring ionic trace minerals from Utah's inland sea.

Ionic, water soluble minerals.


Quality and Promise

  • Quality – TMR has been Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) certified through the Natural Products Association since 2004 so you know you’re getting only the best made products.
  • BPA-Free – All of our bottles and containers are safe and free from BPA
  • GRAS-Affirmed – ConcenTrace has been affirmed Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) for use in food and beverages. The process involves an intensive review by an independent panel of experts
  • *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Did you know that distilled, reverse osmosis, and purified water has been stripped of minerals? Adding 2-3 drops per 8 oz of water (20-40 drops per gallon) or to your taste preference, compares to expensive mineral water and puts back in a full spectrum of minerals the way Mother Nature intended water to do.


Ever noticed your pet eating grass or dirt? More than likely your pet is lacking essential minerals. For years, pet owners have added ConcenTrace to their pets’ food and water. We recommend adding 1 drop of ConcenTrace per 5 lbs of body weight of your pet


We frankly are not getting the minerals in the foods we eat. Adding ConcenTrace to foods and recipes adds flavor and help fortify and re-mineralize them.* To guard against mineral alteration, ConcenTrace should be added to fortify any recipe after the heating process (do not boil). It is safe to add it to baked goods before they go in the oven.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Shipping Information

Our on-line store is open 24/7 and we ship Monday through Friday, excluding some holidays. We strive to ship same day if at all possible.

About Us

Melanie’s Health & Nutrition really began with Auminay Naturals which was formerly SkinTastic Creations. This product line took root over twenty years ago as Melanie faced cancer. After becoming aware of alternative therapies she worked to change to a healthier lifestyle and learn about herbs. She developed what is now the Auminay Naturals product line by eventually learning to infuse these herbs into products that used natural ingredients to provide skin care products for a healthier lifestyle. In 2017, as a newly certified Master Herbalist, Melanie opened Melanie’s Health & Nutrition to provide a resource for the Tooele community. The Auminay products are now made in the back section of the store. Melanie and her staff love to serve the community and provide opportunities for learning, as well as products that empower people to be healthier.

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