Local Raw Honey (Harvested Right Here in Tooele)

Local Raw Honey (Harvested Right Here in Tooele)

Why local raw honey? Are there benefits of using honey that is harvested right here in Tooele?

If you live in Tooele County then the honey grown here has benefits for you. It you live in another county or state, you may be better served by supporting your local beekeepers, as we do here at Melanie's.

But let's back up. I want to help you to understand how honey is different depending on where the beehives are located.

If you do live here in Tooele County, perhaps you have visited the Honey Harvest Festival that is a big event every October at Clark Historic Farm. Beekeepers come from all around and you can taste the honey that is local to Tooele, as well as local to Utah. But one of my favorite things at the festival is that they generally have a honey tasting area with varieties of honey from all over the world. They look and taste different depending on whether the hives are close to citrus trees, sunflowers, or buckwheat.

But in addition to taste there are other benefits. When the honey is collected from our local plants, eating it may help build immunity to local pollens and reduce seasonal allergy symptoms. However, it is important that it be raw. 

Most of the honey you purchase in traditional stores is pasturized. Infact, some of the honey products you purchase in traditional stores is not even 100% honey. They are sometimes mixed with less expensive sweeteners like corn or rice. It costs less, but lacks the amazing benefits of raw local honey.

Raw local honey contains natural enzymes, vitamins and minerals that may better support your health. When used topically on a wound it can provide support to the body's natural healing process.

One more amazing fact...

Raw honey can promote a good night's sleep by releasing melatonin in the brain. 

Who knew? 

Raw honey is a pretty amazing way to sweeten your herbal tea or to spread on your toast. 

And when you buy local raw honey at Melanie's you support local beekeepers who live right here in our county. 

We make it easy for you with our bulk honey bucket. You can bring your own jar to fill, or you can purchase one of ours. We just weigh the jar at the register and you only pay for the honey you fill it with.

That is a sweet deal all the way around.