Do You Crave Sugar?
5 Tips to Stop Cravings
One of my favorite movies is Elf, and one of my many favorite parts in the movie is this one.
"Can you pass the maple syrup please?"
"I didn't.....It's spaghetti."
"You know what? I think I have some." (Reaches into his sleeve and pulls out maple syrup, which he pours over his spaghetti.) "Yes."
"You like sugar, huh?"
"Is there sugar in syrup?"
"Then yes."
Not only is Will Ferrell incredibly funny, but this scene rings true for many of us.
What do you do when you get into one of those ruts where you are always planning the next way to justify eating something sweet?
Just like the character in this scene, I love sugary foods. There was a time that I could down an entire bag of licorice. Fortunately, I've learned a thing or two and changed some habits since then.
If you understand what sugar does to your body in this large amount, you know it can create lots of other problems for a lifetime. We aren't going to get into those here, but what we are going to talk about is 5 things you can do to put those sugar cravings in their place.
Nourish Your Body
Our body has particular nutrient needs and when we don't get those nutrients, it often results in cravings. However, we don't always crave a salad or whole grains which may contain those nutrients. Instead we tend to crave fatty or sugary foods. But, if you fill your diet with nutritious leafy greens and other colorful vegetables, you are going to be giving yourself a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, along with soluble fibers that help you feel content. -
Drink Water
A friend once taught me that many times when I have cravings or think I need to eat, drinking water will help. I've found that to be true. Especially in the evening, if I know I have nourished my body well during the day, sipping on water can bring contentment and I have a better chance of convincing myself to skip the bowl of ice cream. My tummy is much happier the next morning when I make this choice.
The bonus here is that your body really needs a good amount of water every day to stay hydrated and keep blood flow up. In addition, drinking plenty of water helps lymph movement, which we don't talk enough about, but is pretty important. To figure out how much water you should drink every day, figure out how much you weigh in pounds, convert pounds to ounces and then divide that number in half. In other words if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink 90 oz. of water every day. -
You wouldn't think that a lack of sleep would cause sugar cravings, but it does. Let me explain. Lack of sleep causes an increase in the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin, which increases your tendency to be snacking on sweets. So if you can keep ghrelin in its place and train it to only trigger when you are truly hungry, you have a better chance of succeeding. -
Break the Cycle
Sometimes we need some help in this process. Unfortunately, when we are in the cycle, eating sugar causes the body to want more sugar. So at some point you just have to get tough and find some ways to stop.
But it is hard!
That is why I've turned to herbs like gymnema. This is an interesting herb that works as a sugar blocker for your tastebuds. But it also supports your body by slowing down the cravings. I found a product with gymnema that is easy to use, because it's in a little pump. When I am craving sugar, I just put two squirts in my mouth and swish it around. If you were to put something sweet in your mouth afterward, you would not taste the sweet. So a milk chocolate bar just tastes like cocoa. I like to use it after my meals, so I enjoy the sweetness of the meal and then stop grazing on sugary foods I don't need. I've used this product to retrain my body and stop that crazy sugar cycle so I can get back to better habits. -
Have a Buddy
With any new habit or goal it is helpful to have a buddy. Who do you know that might either join you in your quest, or just support you. This can be a powerful tool in setting yourself up to succeed.
So, unlike Buddy the Elf, you will not need to keep a bottle of syrup up your sleeve.
By Melanie Skelton, Master Herbalist
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